Should You Quit (or Reboot) Your Podcast?

Should You Quit (or Reboot) Your Podcast?

Is it time for a podcast reboot?

It's normal to outgrow your podcast and question its value. We all change, as do our goals. Perhaps you're losing interest in the topic of your podcast or the process of creating a podcast is no longer enjoyable. Regardless of why you’re no longer engaged with your podcast, it can be beneficial to “audit” your current situation to make sure you aren’t investing more effort and resources than your show is giving back.

If your podcast no longer serves you, quitting could be your best decision. However, “small adjustments” are often enough to refresh a podcast and make it enjoyable again.

For instance, rebranding can revitalize things. New audio imaging, updated artwork, or a revised format can help restore excitement around an old topic.

It’s important to remember that, if we aren't passionate about what we do, our audience won’t be either. Never forget this! Don't drag yourself through something that’s unfulfilling. Instead, move toward something both meaningful and enjoyable.