The Pre-Interview

The Pre-Interview

Pre-interviews are an important part of producing a great podcast. You know that.  But sometimes guests push back on doing a pre-interview, thinking they're not important or otherwise not needed.

Pre-interviews are an important part of producing a great podcast. You know that. 

But sometimes guests push back on doing a pre-interview, thinking they're not important or otherwise not needed. 

While it’s understandable that some guests may feel confident enough to wing it or may simply "not have the time" for a pre-interview, it’s crucial to explain why this step is so important.

Here are some strategies you might find helpful:

  • Emphasize on Mutual Benefit: Explain that a pre-interview is not just beneficial for the host but also for the guest. It allows them to clarify their thoughts, prepare their anecdotes, and understand what to expect from the conversation.

  • Assure Them It’s Not a Rehearsal: Some guests may feel that a pre-interview takes away from the spontaneity of the podcast. Reassure them that it’s not about scripting the conversation, but rather about setting a loose framework.

  • Promote It as a Time Saver: A well-prepared interview often takes less time than an unprepared one. Detailing this might appeal to guests who are concerned about time commitments.

  • Highlight Previous Successes: Share examples of past episodes where pre-interviews resulted in a great conversation, fun anecdotes, or insightful revelations.

  • Offer Flexibility: If time is a constraint for the guest, offer to conduct a shorter pre-interview or do it via email or text. The goal is to at least get some preparation in.

Remember, podcasts are about engaging conversations and shared experiences. Ensuring both parties are prepared will only enhance the final output.